recsForPlacements API

The overall site API key provided from RichRelevance for your usage.
The application / channel key provided from RichRelevance for your applications usage.
The user ID of the user you want to get recs for. This is the user's ID from the client's point of view. If your application only has one user (if it's a phone app, for example), userId should not change.
RichSort requires userId to be set to receive a response.
The session ID. The intent is that a session is relatively short-lived, so if the user leaves your application and restarts it the next day, you should create a new session ID.
The placements to get recommendations for. This is a sequence of placement identifiers separated by '|'. Each identifier consists of a page type (see valid page types below) and a placement name. You will get one set of recommendations for each placement. All placements must be for the same page type.
Timestamp, in milliseconds. For browser cache busting.
The genre of the page. If this is given, we will only recommend products that match the genre
Brand of the product. If this is given, we will filter out recommended product of this brand.
   true         false
Excludes the products based on brandFilter. If not specified, the default is false. However, if true is specified, the functionality reverts to only include product recommendations of the brand specified in brandFilter.
If the user is viewing products from a certain brand.
The minimum price of the products to recommend. The price is given in cents.
The maximum price of the products to recommend. The price is given in cents.
   true         false
Excludes the products based on price filtering.
   true         false
Excludes HTML of placement set by the layout.
   true         false
Removes all item attribute data from the recommended items response.
   true         false
removes the recommended items from the response, should be used when HTML will be used instead of JSON data.
   true         false
Eliminates all product details from the recommended items object except item id, and item link id (whatever those are actually named). primary use is to keep the response size small.
   true         false
Indluce category data? (categoryIds and categories) when set to false will remove categoy data from recommended items. Default state: True.
Also known as blockedItemId, is a set of external product IDs to prevent from being recommended. List values are separated by '|'. For RichSort: List the products RichSort should remove from the API response (e.g., manually merchandised products that are placed at top of sort results).
Example: bi=pid154800026|pid153730047|pid151830525
Custom key/value pairs describing the current context. Data should be in a deliminated format:
Add refinements (or filters) to the recommendations that would be returned. For more information see:
Supplement: Adding Refinements (RRO-2SIGSAR)
Shopper's referrer to the site. Used for conditional placements.
ClickThroughServer: Specifies the destination server of the click on a rec (i.e. vs. Note: If the cts parameter provided in the API request, this will override the click thru server site config setting and/or cts in the product url delivered in the feed.
Clients flash version. More specific to Ads as opposed to Recs. (This parameter is not required.)
List of products to get the recommendations for. This must be the ID the merchant has provided RichRelevance as the 'external ID' for the product. If there are more than one product on the page separate the ids by the pipe character '|'.
If the user is viewing products from a certain category. This must be the ID the merchant has provided RichRelevance as the 'external ID' for the category. List values are separated by '|'.
Required for RichSort.
Category hint ID. List values are separated by '|'.
The search term the user typed in. You can also use the "productId" parameter to provide the product IDs of the products in the search results.
o (order_number)
Order number.
q (item_quantities)
Item quantities. Pipe separated for several values in the same order that the product IDs are passed in (see "p").
pp (purchase_price)
Purchase price in dollars for the item being purchased. Pipe separated for several values in the same order that the product IDs are passed in (see "p").
Purchase price in cents for the item being purchased. Pipe separated for several values in the same order that the product IDs are passed in (see "p"). Note: if pp is also specified, ppc is used.
Input parameter for passing segments. Honors merchandising rules based on segments.
Format: |segmentId1:segmentName1|segmentId2:segmentName2
rg (registry_id)
Registry ID string.
Registry type ID. For a list of valid registry type IDs that have been set up for your site, contact your RichRelevance team.
A prioritized list of strategy sets that you would want to be returned based on the campaign use case. Please see additional details under Strategy Families listing below. If this is not provided, our recommendation engine will run King of the Hill (KOTH) to provide best recommendations given the information provided.
Region ID. The region of the current user.
Shopper IP address (only use this if the API request is not coming from the shopper's device, e.g. server side integration).
Example: &ipor=
RichSort only.
The total number of total products to return in the response. This value overrides the return count set in the placement or in the RichSort configuration. (For example, if you want RichSort to return products 30-60, this value would be 30.) Max value = 1000.
RichSort only.
The starting index for the products that you want to return. (For example, if you want RichSort to return products 30-60, this value would be 30.)
RichSort only. Required. List the product IDs of the product detail pages user viewed in the current session, including timestamps in milliseconds using UTC time zone for each view. The timestamp field must be provided, but can be left blank.
Multiple product IDs can be separated by a pipe.
If there are multiple views for a product ID, the timestamps can be concatenated using a semicolon.
RichSort only. Required for RichSort. List the product IDs of the products the user purchased in the current including timestamps in milliseconds using UTC time zone for each purchase.
RichSort only. Filter based on price ranges that the products should belong to in cents. N/A for clients with localized product prices.
RichSort only. Filter types and values selected by user. Needs configuration by the RichRelevance team before turned on.
Stands for 'already added registry items'. This should be the same as the Product ID parameter value.
Stands for 'MVT Force Treatment'. entering a treatment id will force the response to be from the specificed treatment
this should be a hidden field for passing an argument to the query string.
Full Request URL:

Number of items returned:

HTML Output:

JSON Render:
JSON Data: